Spring 2006
Tuesday 12:05-12:55
D. Baum, B. Larget, K. Sytsma - instructors
Just as chemists rarely consider the evidence for the existence of molecules and atoms, biologists tend not to dwell on the evidence for evolution. However, unlike chemists, biologists often need to defend their belief in evolution and biology teachers need to worry about students who come in determined to disbelieve what they are told. Thus, we would all benefit from carefully examining the structure of the evidence in favor of evolution and in building a “library” of specific well-documented cases that we can draw on for teaching and outreach.
After a few introductory weeks, we will spend each class meeting with
a presentation and discussion on a particular kind of evidence for evolution.
The presenter will be expected to identify one or more case study for
which they provide citations to the relevant primary literature and an
assigned reading from the primary or secondary literature. The discussion
will focus on the nature of the evidence and a critical look at how it
might be called into doubt by an anti-evolutionist.Websites
that may be of use are available here.
Expectations. Students enrolled in the class will be expected to attend all
meetings and participate in the discussions. Additionally, enrolled students
should help put on the Darwin
Day Outreach Symposium on Feb. 11th. Each student will sign-up to give
one presentation.
The presentation should be 20-30 minutes in length. An electronic version
of the presentation (Powerpoint or PDF) should be emailed to the professor’s
before class. Because we want the presentation to be useable by all participants
in the future, all images in the presentation must be attributed in the presentation
to a primary source – whether it be a publication or a website that
holds copyright of the image. Also, a student should email the class a reference
list and a suggestion of one or two short papers to read at least five days
before the class (on Friday at the latest).
The Talk.Origins Archive [and an ID rebuttal website The True.Origins Archive]
The Talk.Origins Archive master links list (thorough!)
The Panda's Thumb discussion group
National Center for Science Education
National Academy of Science's Evidence Supporting Biological Evolution
UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology's "Understanding Evolution" and "Teaching Evolution for Teachers"
Evolution on the Web for Biology Students (useful for this course!)
D. Fitch's (NYU) Evolution Course (developed around evidence for evolution; one of the better course sites)
PBS's Evidence for Evolution and S.J. Gould site Evidence for Evolution
Flock of Dodos film
Judge John E. Jone's decision on Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District trial (click on "Decisions" for 139 page pdf)
Darwin Day Celebration (University of Wisconsin) (International)
Evolutionary Biology at University of Wisconsin
Darwin's Writings and Writings of Charles Darwin on the Web
The True.Origins Archive [rebuttal site for evolution-based The Talk.Origins Archive]
The Wedge Strategy by the Center for Renewal of Science and Culture
Institute for Creation Research