Useful Botanical Links
Wisflora: University of Wisconsin Herbarium checklist of vascular plants in Wisconsin; complete with images, distributional maps, habitat, and synonomy
University of Wisconsin Arboretum: Map, plant community locations and descriptions and useful links
UW Lakeshore Preserve: Network of natural plant communities maintained by the UW and close to campus
Robert W. Freckman Herbarium: UW-Steven's Point herbarium. Similar to Madison's but with other great links.
Ferns and Fern Allies of Wisconsin: UW Green Bay site with keys and glossary to Wisconsin's cryptogams
Trees of Wisconsin and Shrubs of Wisconsin: UW Green Bay sites with keys and images to Wisconsin's woody plants
Wisconsin Threatened and Endangered Species: DNR site with listings, information, and images
Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin website; specific invasive plants of NE WI site also
UW Plant Systematics Collection: Descriptions of families from all land plant phyla; links to images of genera
UW Dendrology Images: Woody plant images and keys; developed for Botany 402
UW Botany Department Greenhouse Virtual Tour: Greenhouse tour - room by room; illustrating and describing plants - many of which are seen in laboratory or discussed in lecture
UW Botanical Garden Tour: Interactive site featuring over 40 families and 600 species
Virtual Foliage: Link site to UW wide plant images; maintained by Botany 130 laboratory supervisor, Michael Clayton
Botany Resources: Huge worldwide set of links to botanical (mainly systematic) resources
Families and Genera: Current list of Kew recognized families and their genera - includes synonomy
Botanical Society of America: Homepage for BSA with links to online verison of American Journal of Botany; student membership
American Society of Plant Taxonomists: Homepage for ASPT - publisher of Systematic Botany; student membership