Botany 940 - Systematics Seminar

Frontiers in Plant Phylogeny

Palmer, Soltis, & Chase  The plant tree of life: an overview and some points of view
Lutzoni, Kauf, & al.  Assembling the fungal tree of life: progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits
Keeling  Diversity and evolutionary history of plastids and their hosts
Saunders & Hommersand  Assessing red algal supraordinal diversity and taxonomy in the context of contemporary systematic data
Andersen  Biology and systematics of heterokont and haptophyte algae
Hackett, Anderson, & al.  Dinoflagellates: a remarkable evolutionary experiment
Lewis & McCourt  Green algae and the origin of land plants
Shaw & Renzaglia  Phylogeny and diversification of bryophytes
Pryer, Schuettpelz, & al.  Phylogeny and evolution of ferns (monilophytes) with a focus on the early leptosporangiate divergences
Burleigh & Mathews  Phylogenetic signal in nucleotide data from seed plants: implications for resolving the seed plant tree of life
Soltis & Soltis  The origin and diversification of angiosperms
Judd & Olmstead  A survey of tricolpate (eudicot) phylogenetic relationships
Chase  Monocot relationships: an overview
Sanderson, Thorne, & al.  Molecular evidence on plant divergence times
Crepet, Nixon, & Gandolfo  Fossil evidence and phylogeny: the age of major angiosperm clades based on mesofossils and macrofossil evidence from Cretaceous deposits
Crane, Herendeen, & Friis  Fossils and plant phylogeny
Linder & Rieseberg  Reconstructing patterns of reticulate evolution in plants
Kellogg & Bennetzen  The evolution of nuclear genome structure in seed plants
Friedman, Moore, & Purugganan  The evolution of plant development